TRAINING (2.4.1)

As a specialist society and a professional association, SSCPT promotes research, training, information exchange and practical work in clinical pharmacology and toxicology. It represents the concerns of its members and maintains contact with authorities, the general public as well as national and international societies.

Image: kwanchaift,


The persons willing to apply for membership in our Society have to :

  • Share and promote the interests of the Society, and of the discipline of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology in general
  • Read and accept the Statutes of the Society
  • Prove having completed a University curriculum with the corresponding graduation (in Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology etc.); a title of Clinical Pharmacologist and Toxicologist (either for MD or PhD) does not represent a necessary condition for the acceptance in the Society
  • Accept to pay the annual membership fee (CHF 100 for physicians and non-physicians; the membership fee can be waived for retired members)
  • Gain the recommendation of two proposing members
  • Write an application letter to the Secretary of the Society (application form)

Physicians who are in training to become specialists in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at an SIWF/ISFM recognized training centre for this title and are SSCPT members, can apply for an exemption from the membership fee for up to 5 years. The application needs to be submitted to the Secretary of the SSCPT and to be approved by the SSCPT Executive Committee.