TRAINING (2.4.1)

La SSFTC promuove la ricerca, la formazione, la condivisione di informazioni e la pratica nella farmacologia e nella tossicologia clinica. Sostiene gli interessi dei propri membri e mantiene i contatti con le autorità, i cittadini e le società sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.

Immagine: kwanchaift,


SSCPT Young Scientist Award

In the aim to support and promote the research by young scientists in the field of clinical pharmacology and toxicology, the SSCPT attributes each year a prize of CHF 1000.- for the best piece of work in this field. This prize is awarded during the General Assembly of the SSCPT. The rules for the attribution of this prize are as follows:

Themes: Theroretical, experimental or clinical thesis work (MD, PhD, and Master) in the field of clinical pharmacology and toxicology.
The thesis must have been accepted by a Swiss University during the 2 years preceeding the year of submission.

Author(s): The author should not be more than 40 years old. Being a member of the SSCPT is NOT a condition to be awarded the prize.

Submission of the dossier: The manuscript of the thesis (if more than 10 pages of A4, join a summary), written in one of the four Swiss national languages or in English, should be sent to the Secretary of the SSCPT. A copy of the imprimatur, a curriculum vitae as well as an eventual list of publications should be joined to the dossier. It should be sent in electronic form (as pdf file). Depending on the dossier presented, the committee of the SSCPT may decide not to attribute a prize one year, or to divide it between 2 authors.

Submission deadline: The dossiers must be received by the Secretary (per E-mail) not later than March 4, 2024.

Previous awardees:

2023: Dr. Camille Lenoir

2022: Dr. Gaëlle Magliocco

2021: Dr. Deborah Rudin

2020: No award was provided

2019: Dr. Flavia Storelli and Dr. Dino Lüthi

2018: Dr. Patrick Dolder and Dr. Niloufar Marsousi

2017: Dr. Yassine Bouatou

2016: Dr. Marija Bosilkovska Weisskopf

2015: Mrs Christel Bruggmann

2014: No award was provided

2013: Dr. Virginie Ancrenaz and Dr. Karen Gutscher Claude

2012: Dr. Kuntheavy Ing Lorenzini

2011: Dr. Anja Mallaun-Zahno

Awardee of the
2023 SSCPT Young Scientist Award

Dr. Camille Lenoir